Femegades are an Alt-rock/Punk band based in London, UK.

They are Em on vocals, Emily on Bass, Joe on Drums and Tom on guitar!  If Bikini Kill and The Clash had a lovechild but it was raised by Courtney Love, chances are Femegades would be that kid.

Femegades not only continue to show they have no fear in delving into subjects others won’t touch but also tell a compelling story through their unique brand of militant, melodic punk-rock.

Broken Bones is a song about mental health, the pressures of body image, and being labelled crazy and medicalised for your trauma.

Broken Bones is taken from their 5 track EP Sex Robots, released on 6th June 2024.

Featured on episide 31 of Discover Her Music Podcast

Song: Broken Bones

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